🍀 We are happy to announce the implementation of another ambitious project!
Thanks to this, we will welcome a new, innovative product to our portfolio. Together with our partner, TC3 company, we intend to build and test a new lightweight engine cover with an automatic lift. The cover will be constructed from lightweight, eco-friendly composite materials designed for use in maritime transport, which like no other reduces the carbon footprint of ships throughout their life cycle.
The bio-based composite which was planned for use is a response to sustainable maritime transport. It has excellent sound, heat and vibration insulating properties, making it the most universal material on the marine market.
The biocomposite-based cover will have the following tasks:
- possibility of quick assembly/disassembly
- optimal soundproofing of the engine compartment with optimized weight
You will soon see the first effects of our activities. Wait for further information, please!
This project received funding from the European Union Single Market Program, through an open call for innovative projects under "Joint cluster initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS) for the reconstruction of Europe"
through an open call issued and implemented as part of the RESIST project (Grant Agreement No. 101074204)"
#Eurocluster RESIST #European Cluster Cooperation Platform (ECCP) #Auriane AGARD #Marigold #Engineering #Drive Systems #Control Systems #Hydraulic Designs